... ... Whale | Confidence | Lellow Lolly

Whale | Confidence

Regular price $4.95

You can never cross the ocean if you're not willing to lose sight of the shore.

Confidence lies not in knowing the outcome of an adventure, but believing that you have the ability to handle anything that comes your way. If baby whale can lose sight of land to swim the sea, so too can your little one conquer their fears. Fostering confidence early helps bolster their self-worth for a lifetime.

Product Details 
Hand embellished with Lolly Dust
Stock: 60lb acid-free matte
Available sizes: 4.5x6 card and 5x7, 8x10 or 11x14 prints
Shipping: via USPS within 1-2 business days
Please note, that the appearance of colors may vary from monitor to monitor.